All CUSD#4 buildings are available for use by the general public, pursuant to Board Policy 8:20, and availability. Columbia School District school activities take precedence over all other rentals. Rental fees are broken down into three categories.
Category 1 is for school affiliated groups, with no charge with the exception of overtime labor costs for night/weekend events. Examples of Category 1 groups are: school athletic teams, extra-curricular groups, school sponsored activities, Music Boosters, Athletic Boosters, P.T.A., school affiliated groups, and other Board approved groups.
Category 2 is for community organizations/student centered groups, with reduced fees plus overtime labor costs for night/weekend events. Category 2 includes non-profit events held by community organizations located within the boundaries of the District. These organizations include parochial schools. Category 2 also includes programs, events, or activities whose main purpose is to provide programs and services specifically for students residing in Columbia.
Category 3 is for outside organizations/groups. Organizations or individuals using facilities for profit making reasons or for private purposes, including recreational events and church services/activities open to residents and non-residents of Columbia. Many Category 3 events are open to the general public or attendees reside from various communities.
*Questions regarding your organization’s category, please call the District Office at 281-4772.