CUSD#4 Building Rental

All CUSD#4 buildings are available for use by the general public, pursuant to Board Policy 8:20, and availability. Columbia School District school activities take precedence over all other rentals. Rental fees are broken down into three categories.

Category 1 is for school affiliated groups, with no charge with the exception of overtime labor costs for night/weekend events. Examples of Category 1 groups are: school athletic teams, extra-curricular groups, school sponsored activities, Music Boosters, Athletic Boosters, P.T.A., school affiliated groups, and other Board approved groups.

Category 2 is for community organizations/student centered groups, with reduced fees plus overtime labor costs for night/weekend events. Category 2 includes non-profit events held by community organizations located within the boundaries of the District. These organizations include parochial schools. Category 2 also includes programs, events, or activities whose main purpose is to provide programs and services specifically for students residing in Columbia.

Category 3 is for outside organizations/groups. Organizations or individuals using facilities for profit making reasons or for private purposes, including recreational events and church services/activities open to residents and non-residents of Columbia. Many Category 3 events are open to the general public or attendees reside from various communities.

*Questions regarding your organization’s category, please call the District Office at 281-4772.

CUSD#4 Multipurpose Field Rental
  • $75.00 per hour

  • $25.00 additional fee per night, for use of lights

  • Additional custodial and/or supervisory fee may be applied

  • Certificate of Insurance required

  • Signed Multipurpose Field Use Form required

  • Please refer to "Multipurpose Field Availability" for open dates/times.

Payment, District paperwork and insurance must be submitted before any rental is secured. All paperwork for building usage must be turned in to the main office of the building being requested. All paperwork for the Multipurpose Field must be turned in to the District Office.