Middle School Education (Grades 5-8)
  • Columbia Middle School


The core curriculum consists of language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. Students are also instructed in exploratory classes in art, cultural connections, health/physical education, music, and technology by specialists certified in these areas. Band is also offered to interested students beginning in fifth grade.

In grades 7 and 8, elective classes are offered to students. Students can elect two classes from the following choices: art, band, choir, German, Spanish, and technology. Classes are designed so that after completing two full years of the same course with proficiency, students can enroll in advanced classes (in that subject area) as a ninth grade student.

Middle school students are assessed by teacher observation and unit tests. Students are monitored with the AIMS web and individual reading diagnostics. In addition, students in grades 5 and 8 are also administered the PARCC Test each spring. The PARCC test measures individual achievement relative to Common Core Standards.

Grades are reported on a quarterly basis, and teachers send progress reports at the middle of each quarter. An online system is available for parents of students 5 through 8 to aid them in monitoring their student’s weekly assignments.

Formal parent conferences are held after the first quarter. On-going parent-teacher communication is encouraged, and parents can expect the principal and teachers to communicate through newsletters, phone calls, email, websites, etc.

Columbia Middle School has been recognized as a school of academic excellence by the Illinois State Board of Education.

Extracurricular Activities

Columbia Middle School provides a variety of opportunities for students beyond the school day. Athletic opportunities include baseball/softball, basketball, cheerleading, track, and girls’ volleyball.

A variety of clubs are also offered to middle school students to pursue special interest and to develop leadership skills. Clubs include Beta Honor Club, drama club, Student Council, Scholar Bowl and others. Community service opportunities are also provided to students throughout the year.

Advisory classes are held on specific days. These classes are used for character education lessons and/or additional academic support for middle school students.